Automate Smarter Lending Decisions - Analyze Your Historical Data

April 12, 2024
April 11, 2024
2 Minutes
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Tired of getting burned by defaulters?

What if you could predict them with uncanny accuracy - before they ever sign on the dotted line?

The key is hiding in your historical loan data. You just need to know how to unlock it.

Here are helpful tips for analyzing historical data to benefit US alternative lenders:

Validate and Clean Data

Validate and clean the historical data to ensure accuracy and reliability before analysis. Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to misleading conclusions.

Analyze Different Periods

Analyze data from different periods to capture varying economic cycles and market conditions. This helps account for potential downturns like the 2008 mortgage crisis when lenders failed to consider changing conditions.

Identify Key Variables

Identify key variables and metrics that impact credit risk, such as credit utilization ratio, payment history, time in business, and income stability. These can improve credit scoring models and risk assessment.

Use Advanced Analytics

Use advanced analytics techniques like regression analysis or machine learning to uncover hidden patterns and relationships in the data. This can reveal new risk factors beyond traditional credit scores.

Monitor Ongoing Changes

Regularly update historical data and monitor for changes in borrowers' cash flow, income, and other factors. This provides a more up-to-date view of creditworthiness compared to static credit reports.

Leverage Alternative Data

Incorporate alternative data sources like bank transactions, utility payments, and rental history. This expands the borrower pool and enables better risk assessment, especially for thin-file or no-file consumers.

By effectively analyzing historical data combined with alternative data sources, lenders can improve credit forecasting, and risk management, and expand access to credit responsibly.

The video below is an actual demo how we use ChatGPT to Analyze Historical Data and Predict Loan Defaults

You can train AI on your historical data. Detect default patterns humans miss.

You can utilize ChatGPT to analyze your own historical dataset, identify factors that contribute to defaults, and make more informed lending decisions.

At Cobalt Intelligence, we provide background data and can help you automate this process.

If you're interested in learning more, please reach out to us.


We used a randomly generated dataset, which may not accurately represent real-world scenarios. It's crucial to use actual historical data from your company to get meaningful insights.

Additionally, while the correlation between credit scores and default rates is expected, it's not the only factor to consider. Other variables, such as industry, location, and cash flow, can also play a significant role in determining the likelihood of default.

Relying solely on AI for risk assessment could be risky. Human expertise and intuition are still valuable in making lending decisions. AI should be used as a tool to support decision-making, not replace it entirely.

We believe that using ChatGPT to analyze historical data and identify risk patterns is a promising approach for alternative finance lenders. However, it should be done with caution, using real data, and in combination with human expertise. The content provides a good starting point, but lenders should carefully consider their specific needs and regulatory requirements before fully embracing this technology.

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