Cobalt Intelligence Founder Jordan Hansen

August 12, 2024
Aug 11, 2024
1 Minute Read
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Jordan's Journey: From Corporate Engineer to Data Automation Entrepreneur

Jordan's entrepreneurial journey began during his time as a senior engineer at Lenovo. Despite the stability and prestige of his corporate position, Jordan felt unfulfilled. His true passion lay in data automation and web scraping, which he explored in his free time.

For a year, Jordan juggled his day job with creating content on these topics. He published blog posts and YouTube videos weekly, building a reputation as an expert in the field. His growing audience looked to him for guidance on harnessing the power of automated data collection.

As his expertise grew, so did the demands from his audience. They sought more than just tutorials; they needed solutions. Jordan identified a gap in the market for streamlined data integration services, particularly in the Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) industry. With two years of savings and extensive knowledge, he took the leap into entrepreneurship and founded Cobalt Intelligence.

From lines of code to lines of revenue

Jordan had to acquire new skills in sales, marketing, and finance while refining his product. However, his problem-solving abilities and attention to detail as an engineer proved invaluable in his new role.

Cobalt Intelligence's API, which automates public data retrieval and integration from various state databases, quickly gained traction. Jordan's understanding of both technical challenges and clients' business needs set the company apart in a competitive market.

Jordan's involvement with Tiny Seed, an accelerator program, provided funding and a supportive community of fellow entrepreneurs. This network offered advice, encouragement, and growth opportunities.

Cobalt Intelligence Involvement with Tiny Seed accelerator program provided funding and support

Today, as the leader of a growing company, Jordan remains connected to his roots. He continues to engage with the developer community, sharing insights and refining Cobalt Intelligence's offerings based on user feedback. His story serves as a blueprint for developers looking to transform their technical skills into successful businesses.

At the heart of Cobalt Intelligence is a developer who recognized the power of automation and the importance of solving real-world problems. With each line of code, Jordan Hansen takes another step towards a more efficient, data-driven future.

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